Saturday, January 23, 2010

Even the Pope Blogs

So now the Pope tells priests to Blog to get their message across. I feel much better knowing I'm on Social Media just like the Pope.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tips for Sprucing up your Home before Selling

Great article on how to spruce up your house before listing it. Then call us at we'll help you do everything you need to sell your house and help you find the house of your dreams.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fannie to ease Condo Mortgage restrictions after pressure from Florida Realtors about that for working for a cause.

Palm Beach Real Estate News

So the market is down in Palm Beach and Dade County. What does that mean for you? Opportunity! Check out

Parkland FL Real Estate

Well the weather in South Florida has broke for one day. Check out my website for the latest listings in Parkland and all over South Florida.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Great article about why your company needs twitter even useful in the Real Estate market.

Happy New Year from

Would like to thank all my friends and clients who made 2009 such a success and looking forward to 2010. Join me in my Social Media quest!